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Thursday, April 29, 2010

MRI = Noisy

People who say they sleep during an MRI scan hafta be completely full of crap.  Even with the same type of noise suppression headphones probably used on the deck of an aircraft carrier, these contraptions still are way too noisy to sleep through twenty minutes of their racket!  Anyhow, got it done today and now...again...I wait.  I'll find out next Wednesday what this thangy showed, and then schedule the surgery I suppose.  Wish this had been playing through the headphones...

Maybe I could've at least jammed a bit amongst the bangin', buzzin', knockin', and clickin'...LOL.

Another great exerpt from CMT Crossroads, featuring Jimmy Buffet and Zac Brown Band.  Had a different song on the old blog, but this one's kewl, too.

God bless and geek on!

Monday, April 26, 2010

The "S" word

Well, heard the one thing I did NOT wanna hear this morning at the orthopedist's office.  Surgery.  Apparently, I have torn cartilage (forgive spelling) in my knee.  So, now I'm going for an MRI scan on Thursday morning, back to the doc next Wednesday to probably confirm the diagnosis, and then schedule the surgery to fix it.  It could be worse, though.  This will be an orthroscopic surgery done outpatient style, and providing I can do some kind of "light duty" thangy, I should be back to work in a few days.  Doc said, "If we do it on Friday, you can go back on Monday, providing it's light duty."  So, hopefully, this will prove to be the case.  Hopefully, my employer won't be a douche and let me do almost what I normally do.  That should suffice for "light duty."  Anyway....will roll with this punch, try to rehab knee quickly, and not hyper-whine about it.  Thanks again for the concern and well wishes.  Hopefully the computer jobs will continue to bless me as well.

I need to kill some Charr or something....LOL.

God bless and geek on!

Sunday, April 25, 2010


Well, as luck would have it, Mrs. Hoppa and I have been married for 12 years today!  Man, it's hard to believe that I found someone who would put up with me that long!  LOL.  I think she needs to be nominated for sainthood.  Baby, these 12 years (and the 3 prior to us getting married) have been the best time of my life.  You have shown me the true meaning of love, to give it, and receive it, and to never forget where it came from.  You are my inspiration for everything I do, and everything I want to become.  I love you so much.  Happy Anniversary!

On another note, when I arrived for my othopedic visit, on Thursday, I was informed that the doctor had cancelled all his clinic appointments for the day and they'd hafta reschedule me.  Needless to say, I was a bit ticked off.  I had been dreading this for a week, and now I have to dread it until Monday at 8:45am.  So, I'll hopefully know what's up with the knee tomorrow.  Maybe it won't be too terrible.  Thanks for the concern, well wishes, and prayers.  Hope everyone's had a great weekend.  I've been working my fanny off trying to finish the kitchen remodel.  Getting close, though.  Will post some pics maybe.

God bless and geek on!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

K. Maybe this will be mo' betta.

Hey!  New digs!  No js-kit, haloscan, echo, or whatever they're calling themselves this week in the comments area.  Just Blogger's default comments.  Like this much better.  Tried ridding myself of the other bad juju through all means available to no avail.  So, I killed the old blog-a-roo, and started over.  Ahh...still has that new blog smell.  LOL.

I've gotta go to the orthopedic doc tomorrow about my knee.  Sucks.  Hope I haven't messed something up real good.  Maybe just tendonitis.  We'll see.

Gonna have some tech stuff in the next few days.  I was pretty proud of myself, after fixing the problem with our 2002 Trailblazer.  When you cut the A/C on, it would kill the motor when idling.  After some research (the internet is a wonderful thing), found a forum about it, the solution, took the throttle body off the car and cleaned it, and PRESTO! no more problem.  You must understand, I can build a computer from scratch...but I know precisely SQUAT about internal combustion engines of any sort.  Especially now that THEY have their OWN computers!  So, obviously, the church lady superior dance was in order.

Oh, yeah.  In case this was ever in debate.  Wal-Mart sucks!  'nuff said.

God bless and geek on!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

And now for something completely different...

Well, didn't like the old blog, so I am making a new one.   More to follow...

God bless and geek on!