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Sunday, December 22, 2013

Misrepresentation/destruction of the first ammendment

I simply cannot hold my tongue, or keyboard, in this case, any longer.  With that being said, here goes...

     The whole "scandal," as it's being called, about Phil Robertson's GQ magazine interview, and what he said in the interview, literally makes me sick to my stomach about the state my beloved country has fallen into.  He is being labelled by liberal news media and the organizations like GLAD and the NAACP as being intolerant of other people's lifestyles and even race for what he said in this magazine article.  Are you kidding me?!?!  A&E network has suspended him indefinitely from the Duck Dynasty TV reality show for what he said.  Everyone in these venues are saying that his views were expressed and they were wrong, intolerant, hate-driven, etc.  Phil's views?!?!  I question if any of these "news reporting" organizations or "TV network execs" has even read the article.  Mr. Robertson merely quoted or paraphrased in layman's terms what it plainly, clearly, and literally states in the Bible.  Which, for those who may not know or refuse to acknowledge, is the written Word of the one living God, our heavenly Father.  They are not merely the views of one man.  He is just a messenger, of sorts, trying his best to reach people who might not be reachable otherwise.  His comments that he, with his own eyes, never seeing the mistreatment of African American folks when he was growing up has also been misconstrued by people into meaning that he thinks that African Americans should have been treated the way they used to be.  If you never saw it happen yourself, with your own eyes, then it sounds like you were raised properly, in a community that treated each other as equals.  How can the NAACP be upset over that and use it for their next "cause?"  I don't get it.
     The simple fact of the matter is that Phil Robertson is standing up for what we, as Christians, should stand up for every single day that God blesses us with on the Earth, belief and faith in what God Himself had people to write down for us to study, learn from, and live by, His Holy Word, the Bible.  It is the truth.  It is not to be misinterpreted to mean what we want it to mean to help us feel better or justified in our behavior.  It is what it is.  Truth.  Plain.  Simple.  Truth.  It also teaches us that it is not our place to judge others, to love your neighbor as you love yourself.  Phil Robertson exemplifies this example like very few others do, and his comments in GQ being misrepresented as his views and being called a hater of the gay and lesbian community and the African American community is literally stupid!!!  He simply expressed what is written in the Bible about homosexual behavior, and what he saw, or didn't see, with his own eyes growing up in Louisiana.  That's it!  Nothing more!  He is trying to help teach, and help us all learn something.  That something, folks, is how we might be spared eternal damnation when our time in this life is over.  That we do have hope of eternal life, through Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God.  We as a country, should really listen to Phil and those like him, who follow, live by, and try to teach others about the sacrifice that God made for all of us, by giving His only Son, to live among us, suffer, and die, so that our sins might be payed for in full if we choose to acknowledge, and believe that He is the Son of God, the way, the truth, and the life.  Misconstruing the Word of God to mean what we want it to mean or what we need it to mean to make us feel better or justified in our behavior is the worst kind of betrayal to our heavenly Father!  We all need to realize that the Bible is the truth, God's Word, and not subject to debate.
     Unfortunately, the Constitution of the United States of America's first amendment should apparently contain the following addendum after what it clearly states about having the right to free speech.  After the amendment concludes it should apparently read:  "unless, of course, you are a Christian, believe that the Bible is the truth, and wish to express anything contained therein.  Even though, this United States of America, is being founded using the Bible as our guide to how to treat our citizens.  You cannot express any thought, opinion, belief of, quote directly from, or any reference to God's Holy Word.  Otherwise, you might offend someone.
      I will add in conclusion, that I personally have very dear friends who are members of the gay/lesbian community.  I have never been, nor will be judgmental of their choice of lifestyle.  I love them as people, as Jesus teaches us to do.  I, too, will have to stand before the Lord and be judged for my choices in life, as they will.  It is not my place to judge them while here.  We're in the same boat as far as that goes.  I, do, however, believe what the Bible clearly states:
     " There shall be no whore of the daughters of Israel, nor a sodomite of the sons of Israel."            
--Deuteronomy 23:17

    I support Phil Robertson, and the entire Robertson family, and I sincerely pray for God's richest blessings upon them and their supporters.  I sincerely hope that another network will pick up the show, for I feel that a show you can watch with your family without having to worry about it having to be censored or bleeping out every other word, is a refreshing change that is sorely needed.  Also if the aforementioned addendum is ever added to the first amendment, my wife and I will take our first plane find another country to live in.

God bless all of you, God bless the Robertsons, and God bless America