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Monday, April 26, 2010

The "S" word

Well, heard the one thing I did NOT wanna hear this morning at the orthopedist's office.  Surgery.  Apparently, I have torn cartilage (forgive spelling) in my knee.  So, now I'm going for an MRI scan on Thursday morning, back to the doc next Wednesday to probably confirm the diagnosis, and then schedule the surgery to fix it.  It could be worse, though.  This will be an orthroscopic surgery done outpatient style, and providing I can do some kind of "light duty" thangy, I should be back to work in a few days.  Doc said, "If we do it on Friday, you can go back on Monday, providing it's light duty."  So, hopefully, this will prove to be the case.  Hopefully, my employer won't be a douche and let me do almost what I normally do.  That should suffice for "light duty."  Anyway....will roll with this punch, try to rehab knee quickly, and not hyper-whine about it.  Thanks again for the concern and well wishes.  Hopefully the computer jobs will continue to bless me as well.

I need to kill some Charr or something....LOL.

God bless and geek on!


Dock said...

Brother, definitely pulling for ya! Hey, remember, we are all in this together! Let me know if I can help!

beagle said...

Hope all goes well and you have a speedy recovery!

Grasshoppa said...

thanks y'all. it'll be kewl.