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Monday, June 6, 2011

Prayers, please

We'll be out of pocket for a few days starting this Wednesday.  Tina is going into the hospital in Oxford to have the incisional hernia, that resulted from her two back-to-back surgeries in 2008, surgically repaired.  Bless her heart...more surgery.  Hopefully, though, once this hernia is repaired, and she recovers and recooperates from this surgery, she will finally begin to have some resemblance of normalcy in her everyday life, free from constant pain.  I ask our friends, and others who may read stuff here, to offer up prayers to the Lord on her behalf that the surgery goes well...just as it should...and that her recovery will be swift and complete.  I ask you to remember her in your thoughts and prayers especially on Thursday morning, when the surgery is to take place.  She'll be in the hospital for 3-5 days, her doctor said, and probably off work for an additional 6 weeks for recovery.  They'll be putting biologic mesh in place to enhance the repair.  We're taking the laptop with us, so I'll post updates here, as well as informing Dock, so either can be found.

Thank you to everyone for their thoughts and prayers in advance.

Baby, try not to worry.  God has brought you safely to where you are, and will continue to be with you, and guide you safely through this procedure.  I love you so much!  I'll be right here to help you make a full and as speedy a recovery as possible.

God bless and geek on!!!!

1 comment:

Dock said...

Hoppa, thought about calling, but throughout the day Ms Hoppa has been in my prayers. Keep us posted.